5.8 Stage 4: Fully Decentralized Arbitrage Trading
In this final stage, we will render the centralized arbitrage trading platform we provided up until this point obsolete. Of course, the Future Gold Arbitrage trading platform will not shut down, but we will allow - and even encourage! - other arbitrage trading platforms to emerge on top of the decentralized infrastructure that we have created.
The new version of the Future Gold wallet will then have the capability to let users enter their personal API exchange credentials, so that they can execute orders using their own exchange accounts. Also, users have control over the algorithm they run.
A community-driven marketplace for trading strategies will lead to a fruitful competition between arbitrageurs, which in the end optimizes for profitability and thus enriches all communities around the Future Gold blockchain.
Users may form their own trading pools with each other. Different pools will compete for different types of investors.
At this point, full decentralization has been reached. From now on the system runs sustainably on its own in a self-regulatory way, stabilizing the whole cryptocurrency market and offering attractive investment opportunities to everybody.
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